Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Role of Dental Veneers in Tooth Restorations

Dental Veneers
As a cosmetic dentist, we use dental veneers on a regular basis.  Veneers are an excellent solution for correcting teeth that have been damaged and need to be restored.  They are made out of a tooth-colored porcelain or ceramic and can look so authentic that we can even have them created in a gradient shade of white that mirrors the typical effects of an aged tooth.  Modern dental technology has advanced so quickly that it is virtually impossible to tell the difference between a veneer and natural tooth, unless of course you want to replace all of your teeth because you don’t like them.

When it comes to restorations, timing is important.  If you have damaged your tooth, the faster that you visit our office, the more options we will have for restoring it.  If a tooth is allowed to remain damaged for an extended period of time, the risk of it becoming infected or further damaged only increases.  As such, we recommend that you contact our office immediately if you break, chip, crack or lose a tooth.

Dental veneers are commonly used in the restoration process because of how versatile they are.  With a veneer, we can close gaps that have formed in between teeth, cover dark stains and even change the width or length of existing teeth.  This is ideal for someone whose adult teeth look more like a child’s.  It is also ideal for those that are desperate to improve the appearance of their smile but don’t have time for braces in order to straighten them.  Simultaneously, in restorations this is a common solution because it can take a damaged tooth and make it usable again.

If you have cracked or chipped your tooth, a veneer works by providing the tooth with a smooth surface and durability.  A veneer is a thin shell that is placed on top of your existing tooth.  While very thin, it becomes incredibly durable once bonded to the tooth.  In this way, it is very similar to naturally occurring enamel.  Since it can correct teeth that have been cracked or chipped, we find that this solution works well and keeps people out of the emergency room.

In order to prepare your tooth or teeth for dental veneers, we will take an impression of your teeth and match their appearance to a shade card.  Next, we will prepare your teeth for the procedure.  In order to do so a portion of the enamel needs to be removed.  The exact amount varies from person to person, and we can ensure your comfort while performing the procedure by administering sedation.  Since removing the enamel leaves your teeth exposed to the elements, we will place a temporary veneer onto the surface of the tooth so that you can continue eating while waiting for your new veneer to arrive. Once the new veneer is finished, we will remove the temporary ones and ensure that they are a perfect fit before bonding it in place.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Information About General Dentistry You May Not Know

General Dentistry
We offer general dentistry services for both children and adults.  The term “general” confuses a lot of people, making it seem as though we only offer basic dental care.  In truth, we offer a wide variety of dental services that can address all of our patients oral health care needs.  Whether cleaning teeth and preventing cavities, treating gum disease or improving smiles – we are your one-stop-shop for dental care.  While meeting with patients we have learned that there are several other common misconceptions about dentistry, and we seek to clarify them for you here.

Dental care is no longer painful.
There are so many urban legends going around about dental care that tell the story of bad or uncomfortable experiences.  This is simply no longer the case.  Patients of our dentist office, remain comfortable and relaxed while undergoing treatments because we offer sedation dentistry.  By doing so, we can prescribe an oral medication to help patients relax along with administering pain medication so that whether a cavity is being treated or a cosmetic procedure performed, our patients can feel comfortable.  We put a high value on the overall experience of our patients and are passionate about ensuring that they enjoy the time they spend with us.  If you schedule an appointment with our office, you can rest assured that you will feel good during your visit.

Restorations don’t last forever.
In our general dentistry office, we treat a lot of patients that come in with an old crown and are confused about why it needs to be replaced.  Restorations like crowns and bridges can last for a long time with some patients wearing them for over twenty years.  These cases are rare, however since most people keep a crown for around ten years.  Like all materials, restorations will wear away over time.  What you eat and how well you take care of your teeth and gums can directly influence this.  If you want to make your crown last longer, don’t chew on anything that isn’t a food, don’t chew ice, and avoid anything that could damage your teeth.  After all, if your natural tooth can break while playing basketball so can your restoration.  You can avoid these types of accidents by wearing a mouth guard while playing sports. 

You don’t have to live with sensitive teeth.
When teeth become sensitive, it can be uncomfortable to eat, drink, and even speak at times.  Most people think that they are stuck with sensitive teeth and limited in how they can treat the pain they cause.  The good news is that in our general dentistry office, we can treat sensitive teeth so that they are no longer sensitive.  There are several ways that we can do so and may elect to complete a bonding procedure or use dental crowns.  This solves the problem because it seals in and protects the dentin.  The enamel is the outer layer of the tooth that protects the dentin and nerve endings underneath.  If the enamel wears away, the tooth must be protected by other means, and this is where we come in.