Wednesday, February 4, 2015

When You Visit Our General Dentistry Office, Here is What We Do

In our general dentistry practice, we have been advocating regular family visits for years. Recently as more people have become educated about the importance of visiting the dentist at least once every six months, there has been a significant increase in the families that are coming in for regular checkups. Most of you already know the routine. First we will clean your teeth, provide a fluoride treatment, and polish them for maximum whiteness. During the cleaning, we will remove any excess plaque that could generate bacteria which ultimately could result in a cavity developing. Plaque can also cause additional problems around the gum line, so we will remove that as well. Then we will perform a full inspection of the teeth during which time we will look for cavities, and soft spots in the enamel that are threatening to become cavities, infections, or other problems that may need our attention. If needed the staff at the dentist office will take x-rays as well.

Family dentist visits are important because they help us to eliminate plaque, tartar and other triggers that could lead to gum disease. For many people, there is a lack of understanding as to how closely the mouth is tied to the rest of your health and wellbeing. The mouth is the very first step in the digestive process, which means anything you swallow will end up in your digestive system and ultimately could find its way into other areas of the body. Bacteria or infections can be introduced to the body through the mouth. Heart health has also been linked to oral health, in particular, gum disease. When you take the time to visit the family dentist at least two times per year, we can make sure that your oral health is at optimal levels.

Here are a few things about a dental visit you probably did not know...

Oral cancer is a very real and active threat. As we are poking around in your mouth, prodding at soft spots, and talking about the family we are also doing a complete oral cancer screening. While general doctors do screen for this deadly disease, there is no one who is as familiar with your mouth and oral health as the dentist, which is why we make sure to check you for cancer ever six months. People who smoke or chew tobacco are at an increased risk, so you can expect your examination to last a little longer when visiting our general dentistry office.

Believe it or not we are also checking your breath, and it is not for chicken tacos. Your bad breath is often an indicator of an underlying problem, like an infection, which we need to treat. By paying attention to your breath, we can identify potential areas that we need to be aware of. In fact, one of the easiest way for us to tell that you have potential dental problems is for us to smell your breath because infections will produce a distinct odor.  In our general dentistry office, this is one tip we provide patients as an indicator that they need to schedule an exam in the first place.
As you are leaving, we will perform one last function. When we hand you a toothbrush, it is to remind you that it is time to replace your brush at home which is only good for about three to six months.
