Monday, March 2, 2015

Here’s Why We Use Fluoride in Our Family Dentist Office

Family Dentist
In our family dentist office, our goal is to help our patients to stay in excellent oral health.  With that in mind, we are passionate about preventative care.  We encourage you to come to our office and have your teeth professionally cleaned at least twice a year so that we can remove plaque and bacteria before cavities and gum disease occur.  In addition, we may talk to you about fluoride or even recommend a fluoride treatment.  While most of our patients have heard of the substance, few are familiar with exactly how it works.  Here are some of the questions we are commonly asked in our dental office.

Where can I find fluoride?

Fluoride is derived from fluorine, a naturally occurring ion that can be found in the dirt, air, and even food.  In these quantities, it doesn't benefit your teeth, so it has been placed in public water.  Through a massive public health initiative, fluoride has been added to the water supply of over 10,000 communities across the United States.  Simultaneously, we apply fluoride treatments in our dental office by placing a varnish on the teeth. The varnish is virtually odorless and tasteless, so it doesn't bother young children.  Within four minutes, it will be fully absorbed, so the treatment is incredibly convenient.  If you want to use fluoride at home, we recommend brushing with toothpaste that contains it.  There are additional products you can buy like fluoridated milk, but the science is unclear as to how much it will help you.

Why is using fluoride important?

As a family dentist, we turn to what the Center for Disease Control said.  According to the CDC, tooth decay is the most commonly occurring infectious disease in children.  This is alarming and as a dentist, we do our part to help prevent tooth decay and cavities.  The use of fluoride can decrease the risk of tooth decay by thirty percent, making it an important tool for helping us to fight the problem. In essence, it can help to keep teeth strong in between dental visits so that there is less of a chance that a cavity will exist or become large by the time you come in for your next appointment.
Who should use fluoride?

We specifically recommend that children and teens have a fluoride treatment on an annual basis in order to reduce their risk for cavities.  Adults can also benefit from fluoride though most get it in their drinking water and by using a fluoride toothpaste. We recommend always brushing with a fluoride toothpaste since this is the easiest way to strengthen your teeth and fight tooth decay at home.
Is it safe?

As a family dentist, we are frequently asked this question, and the answer is yes.  Like all things, fluoride most be used in moderation, so the EPA regulates how much of it is put into drinking water.  In our office, we apply the correct dosage through the varnish and the toothpaste is also regulated, making it perfectly safe for your family.
