Thursday, March 26, 2015

Visit Our Dental Office to Have Your Bad Breath Treated

Dental Office
In our dental office, a lot of patients ask us about bad breath and what they can do to eliminate it.  We understand that this is an inconvenient problem to have.  Foul-smelling breath can make it difficult to have social interactions or meetings at work since it can make those around you uncomfortable.  The more severe cases of bad breath (halitosis) can be so dramatic that the smell can literally stink up a confined space.  Fortunately, we can help before it ever reaches this level, and we recommend that you schedule an appointment at the first sign of bad breath.

Why do I need help treating bad breath?

It is important to note that bad breath isn't always caused by what you had for dinner.  Very often, it is a sign of an infection and the body's way of letting you know that there is something wrong. This is why we want you to call and schedule an appointment if your breath is consistently smelling foul or is progressively getting worse.  One of the things we will look for is an infected tooth.  If a tooth is infected, or starting to have severe decay, it can emit a strong smelling odor.  By identifying the problem, we can treat the tooth, eliminate the infection, and restore it to optimum health.  As a result, your breath will start to smell better.

Another cause of bad breath is gum disease.  This is a condition that impacts most adults at some point in their lifetime.  In its earliest stage, gum disease, also known as gingivitis, will make the gums red, swollen, and may cause some bleeding.  It is uncomfortable but shouldn't disrupt life too significantly.  However, if the condition is left untreated it can cause the gums to recede, and as they pull away from the tooth structure, the risk of an infection only increases.  Gum recession can create pockets in the gum tissue where bacteria are prone to gather, leading to bone loss and even tooth loss.  When you visit our dental office with bad breath, we will identify any gum disease and treat the condition.  This level of care can often prevent tooth loss in the future.

In our dental office, we will also conduct a thorough teeth cleaning so that we can remove any plaque or bacteria that has gathered in between your teeth or other hard to reach spaces.  Food or plaque that is stuck may be what is causing your bad breath, and a simple teeth cleaning can help your breath to smell better.  We can also clean your tongue since bacteria gather here as well.

What you can do at home.

We recommend that you brush your teeth three times a day using a soft toothbrush and a fluoride toothpaste.  This will help your teeth and gums to stay clean while also improving your breath.  Be sure to floss at least once a day as well, since this is where a lot of bad breath comes from.  You can also use an antiseptic mouthwash to kill lingering bacteria and use a tongue scraper to remove bacteria from your tongue.  If you are otherwise healthy, this should help to control your bad breath.
